Policies and fees
- Books – generally circulate for 3 weeks with 2 renewals. NEW books circulate for 2 weeks with 1 renal. Books on hold by another patron cannot be renewed.
- Audio Books– circulate for 3 weeks with 2 renewals. Audio books that are on hold for another patron cannot be renewed.
- Games, Puzzles, & Puppets– circulate for 3 weeks with 1 renewal. Games and puzzles are checked for missing pieces when returned before being checked in. patrons are responsible for returning all parts of these items.
- DVDs– both NEW and old DVDs circulate for 7 days. NEW DVDs have no renewal, old DVDs have 1 renewal. Patrons are limited to 2 NEW DVDs. Patrons are limited to 10 total DVDs. Blue label DVDs may not be checked out on a child’s card. DVDs can be put on hold. NEW DVDs may NOT be checked in and checked right back out, they may only be checked out once every three weeks by a patron.
- Equipment– patrons may borrow some AV equipment from the library. These items circulate for 3 days with one renewal unless on hold for another patron. FINE FREE RULES DO NOT APPLY TO EQUIPMENT.
- Genealogy and References Materials– do not circulate.
- Unattended Child – Children are welcome in our library. Children under the age of seven (7) may not be left unattended in the library at any time. However, parents, guardians, and caregivers (14 & up) are responsible for monitoring the activities and regulating the behavior of their children while the children are in the library. All children seven (7) years and under shall be adequately supervised by a responsible person while in the library. Parents, guardians and caregivers are asked to remain with their children seven (7) years old and younger while in the Children’s department except during scheduled library programs. During programs, parents/guardians/caregivers must remain in the building but may leave the program if the child is comfortable and is able to participate appropriately.
If an unattended child is being disruptive, is habitually left unattended for long periods of time, or is deemed to be at risk of coming to harm (as in the case of a child being left unattended when the library is ready to close), an effort will be made to locate the responsible parent, guardian, or caregiver. If necessary, appropriate law enforcement or child protective authorities will be notified to take custody of the child. If a staff member observes or suspects abusive, threatening or harmful behavior towards a child or another person, the staff member is empowered to intervene in the situation up to and including contacting law enforcement.
- Unacceptable behavior – The Union County Public Library is open to provide the public with services and programs to meet their personal, educational, professional, and pleasurable needs. No individual or group has the right to interfere with anyone else’s right to use the library for these purposes.
Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:
- Alcohol, smoking(including e-cigarettes)or use of tobacco products is prohibited inside the building
- Apparent intoxication or impairment due to alcohol, drugs or other chemical substances
- Behavior that could result in injury to oneself or others
- Behavior that could result in loss or damage to Library or patron property
- Behavior that interferes with another person’s use or enjoyment of the Library
- Behavior that threatens or intimidates others
- Disruptive behavior such as: running, horseplay, misuse of elevator, throwing items or other forms of mischief in the library
- Excessive noise such as: talking loudly, singing, or uses of electronic devices
- Horseplay on bicycles, skateboards, etc. in the parking lot/sidewalks during library business hours is prohibited
- Failure to adequately supervise children
- Illegal activities
- Excessive displays of affection, or sexually inappropriate conduct
- Suspicious behavior
All infractions will be documented. For minor infractions, a staff member will notify the individual or parent/guardian that he or she is in violation of the standards of conduct and will provide one verbal warning. A patron who disregards that warning will be required to leave the premises for the day. A second occurrence will result in a thirty (30) day ban, and a third occurrence will result in a permanent ban.
Patrons will be banned immediately and permanently for major infractions such as those involving threatening, destructive or violent behavior, or illegal activities. Major infractions include but are not limited to: fighting, assault, brandishing weapons, verbal threats, vandalism, destruction of property, indecent exposure, or any activities that are against the law. Unlawful activities will be reported immediately to the police. The Library Director will report anyone who has been banned for thirty days or more to the Board of Trustees. Individuals who have been banned from the Library may appeal their ban to the Board of Trustees in writing.
- Homebound Policy – The Union County Public Library offers books, audio books, magazines, DVDs, and other materials to homebound citizens. Citizens must meet one of the following criteria to qualify for homebound service:
- A permanent physical condition that prohibits a person from safely visiting the library.
- A temporary health situation (medical leave due to surgery, childbirth, etc.) that prohibits a person from visiting the library. Service will be provided until recovery is complete.
- Residency in a nursing care facility, whether temporary or permanent.
- Health conditions associated with the elderly that make a person unable to safely visit the library.
- If deemed necessary, applicants may be required to present a physician’s statement indicating the necessity for homebound service.
Outreach services staff will, after an initial consultation with the patron, assemble library materials for individuals based on their interests and special requests. Materials will be checked out on the patron’s library card then delivered and picked up weekly or every other week per patron choice. Overdue fines are not charged to homebound patrons, but patrons are expected to have materials available for pickup and returned in a timely fashion. Homebound patrons are responsible for fees associated with lost or damaged items.